28 April 2010

When Its Over...

Sorry guys. No pictures tonight. Between the loss and this nagging illness, it needs to wait. I'll be back soon, though. Tomorrow, perhaps. And then we'll start with the season's outtakes. Let me know if you have any particular favorites or suggested theme weeks.

I still love my Washington Capitals. I will always be proud to be a Caps fan.


  1. I <3 all the players but faves are Laich, Laing, Semin, Backstrom, and Theo. And the given is always Ovie. :)

  2. I will always love them too. I'm just sad to see it end so soon. My faves are Laich, Green, Fehr, Flash, Backie...O what am I saying? I love them all. Thanks for all of the great pics! :D

  3. the caps were my first love. they will always be my team. no matter what, i will love them. my favorite is and always has been (at least since he got here) laich. love green too, though not so much tonight. semin too. and theo. and all of them. thanks for all the great pics! can't wait for outtakes.

  4. Hated seeing the season end already but what a season!I love all your pictures,but all the Semin pics you want to post is great for me.lol. Love Ovie,Theo,and Varly too, but Semin is my fave.Hope you feel better soon, I think we all need a day to recover.

  5. This one is hard to take, but I'm not going to abandon the Caps. Time for the team to reflect and make some adjustments to what is still a very good hockey team.

    CIP: get well soon and thanks for another great year of Caps pictures!

  6. Thanks for all of the great pics!!
    Backie, Sasha, Ovie and Greenie are my favs. It was a bad night last night- but they'll (and we'll) make it.
    Hope you feel better soon!!

  7. You're pics are my favorite thing that I shouldn't be looking at during work every day. Last night was a hard one to swallow, but I guess there's always next year. I love all the practice pictures, especially of the guys smiling, joking around and really showing how much the love what they do.

  8. I loved your pictures this season. Too bad you are ill (Capschokitis?)

    My special favorites on the Caps are Ovi and Semin. I was so charged up to watch a team whose main guys are the age of my first child, who Sasha reminds me of in so many ways.

  9. Definitely Semin! Semin! Semin!

    And any pix from the Pens Blizzard game - probably the best single game of the season!

  10. Brads pics plz XD

  11. DieHardTheoFan6030 April, 2010 17:29

